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on plastic
- Rejecting the
toxic plague
Campaigns to enact bag-fee ordinances for supermarkets, and more
Fasting for healing and inner peace
The technofix isn't
greening the petroleum economy
Other Culture Change columns on peak oil, petroleum dependence, overpopulation, social phenomena and sustainable living, by Jan Lundberg:
Fall of Petroleum Civilization- section
on peak oil developments
Music: The Depavers
A culture of torture: out of
control? - Pepperspray
via Q-tip, war, ecocide, etc.
Industrial Society Destroys
Mind and Environment by
Sushil Yadav The author, from
India, has studied emotion and inputs as affected by speed, time and
with Jan Lundberg on peak oil and cultural change

The Pepper-spray-by-Q-tip
legal case
in federal court was finally successful for the plaintiffs
in San Francisco on
April 28, after a
hung jury on September 22. Protesters in sit-ins for the ancient redwoods were tortured
in 1997 via Q-tips (dipped in pepper-spray) put on the eyes, and sued Humboldt County, California law
enforcement agencies and the present and former sheriffs who were found
liable. "Domestic torture
happens when protesters oppose clearcutting ancient redwoods." - Jan
Lundberg, father of a plaintiff. Read an update of
the case
and hear new interviews. Courtroom art by K. Rudin.
Our ice cap in 1979:


source: NASA
oil in a nutshell: Here comes the nutcracker by
Jan Lundberg on BlueGreenEarth.com

nutcracker & Earth by Tim Barton of

by Ken Avidor
Hazards of Carpooling+Youth at the wheel
by Jim Doherty, Bike Blogger
madly to the Arctic
by Pincas Jawetz, Culture
Change International Editor
The main
reason for the Iraq War and U.S. imperialism in the region is to
secure profitable crude oil. "What is our oil
doing under their sand?!" U.S. civilization requires meeting its insatiable demand
for energy at any cost. U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow said
on May 23, "It is vital that oil producers provide adequate supplies to
ensure that prices are at levels that foster strong global economic
Tire wall near U.S.A., outside Juarez,
Mexico Photo by Harmony Groves

Is the freedom to waste the planet what
"we" are fighting for in Iraq?
Sustainable Energy Institute was established in Washington, D.C. as a "global warming center" according
to the press. USA Today ran a story on our founder Jan Lundberg
with the headline "Lundberg Lines Up With Nature." As a former
oil analyst, he first focused on transportation efficiency, so our first project was
the Alliance for a Paving Moratorium. We soon began publishing the Auto-Free
Times magazine, replacing it with Culture Change in 2001.
Our projects function as alternatives to petroleum dependence. Join us by
signing up for the free weekly Culture Change Letter via
email. The
United Nations links to our climate change stories
shouldn't you?
Syndicated Culture
Change Letters by
Jan Lundberg:
Jan's Petroleum Tour: Earth Day reality check
Activists and hipsters without
territory or a plan
From the northern redwoods to
Berkeley Babylon
Ways to end car culture along
with the globalized trade godzilla
A survey on trends and
outcomes from a long, personal perspective
All 95 titles' links are at the Culture Change Letter ARCHIVE
Features and vital links:
supply basics: 10 points by
Jan Lundberg
(Feb. 2005)
U.S. policy in a nutshell:
free-market dependence. War? - so what? - more at our Fall
of Petroleum Civilization page
reason for a War on Plastic: additive deca-BDE
This flame
retardant is toxic, is in almost every environment, and is piling up.
the non-American-consumer life in the Old Country
by Si Brunk
for Sustainability
change wreaking havoc with seasons
and clever riding by Jim Doherty, Bike Blogger
as my guide - Silent
by Celu
justice - "Yeah, but..." the elderly and mobility
Oceans unimaginable pollution
Health Resources
Transportation legislation:
whence pollution emanates or abates
Dwindling oil no doubt: The New York Times covers the Oil
Road-fighting/endangered species
Rising amounts of pollutants in natural gas
supplies is a recent phenomenon. Find out: Natural
gas quality raises concerns
news/issues/culture including Cuba coverage and Bike Blogger
Trade and Petroleum -
what role for the car?
Health and Petroleum
Poetry Corner:
fabulous, fictitious authors: Dr. Seuss and Madeleine Albright
U.S. Politics page
Eliminating the Car
Sustainable Energy Institute actively promotes cultural change as a key to
long-term survival for us and Earth's many creatures. Does economic growth
via fossil fuels and materialism provide real security? Do car-dependence,
petroleum-based food supply and war for oil contribute to
a healthy society and clean environment? Join with us as we explore the
Dow Jones on peak
oil and shortages: the corporate press acknowledges the end of petro-affluence.
See our new webpages
concerning the Fall of Petroleum
Warming Crisis in Your Face:
Now that we know of
massive species extinction and a North Atlantic ice age right up ahead, the
question for any concerned citizen: Is the human race like the bucket of
frogs about to be boiled, led and bossed by happy frogs who don't know they're
in the same bucket? We have met the enemy and he is us. Stop the
global warmers! Look into the Global
Warming Crisis Council and the Pledge
for Climate Protection.
From our international
editor Pincas Jawetz
VOLUNTARY GHG INITIATIVES: A Way To Test Future Industry Mandates
"WAS THERE A PUTIN NOD TO KYOTO?" (Rejected by the
New York Times}
as glue ÷ Interests that created Iraq
graphic by Tim Barton
- The climate change factor
Price of Oil and Austrian Gold The unveiling of
the world's largest gold coin
energy policy has not yet done it right
Kirchner of Argentina in New York City
Necessity Causes Argentina
to Do Good
Frozen out at the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development
Trying to keep
corporate news media honest
Climate change
negotiations as see through the reaction to mad cow disease in the U.S.
United Nations Climate Change Meeting, Milan,
Italy, Dec. 1-12, 2003. Special report in three parts. (The U.N.'s website
links to these reports.)
Hold the leading news media
accountable: Have a letter you think should
have been printed by the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal, that pertains to changing
mainstream culture away from petroleum dependence? Did they not just
reject publishing your letter, but keep something out of the public eye? Send it to us for
placement on our pages, Rejected by the
New York Times and Rejected by
the Wall Street Journal
News, reports and analysis
POWs and detainees being tortured and killed by U.S. and U.K. forces should help
anyone understand why future strikes against the U.S. including civilians are
most likely. See our No War for Oil page
National Convention protests:
on the Hudson: toxic residue for jailed protesters
Dissenters are taught yet another lesson about the land of free speech &
assembly. For latest updates, see indymedia.org (NYC).
National Convention protests. The
first report is Robocop
deluxe. "A-31" was an action
where hundreds of thousands of protesters used various methods to express
their politics. "I was amongst the 1,100 people arrested..."
Read Concentration camp
Another of our
correspondents in New York gets some first hand experience getting abused and
awakened to being considered a threat because of two wheels: RNC
Critical Mass Bike Ride 260
out of 6,000 riders arrested
politics: Jeb Bush leading land gluttony by
Joel S. Hirschhorn
Help us end make our fall fundraiser
a success! We need to generate funds to keep this vital
information coming to you. Your
tax-deductible donation will help offset the costs of hosting this website, the
e-mailed Culture Change e-letter, and our other public education campaigns.
Please consider making a secure donation today by clicking the button below.
Thank you!
Get Culture
Change e-Letter:
To receive our weekly essays and reports via
email, as they relate to
sustainable living and the coming collapse of petroleum civilization, click on
the link below and join our listserve. (Your e-mail address will be kept private.)
Read dozens of Culture Change
Letters: View
past issues
Updates, studies and projects:
SEI's Jan Lundberg gave a
speech on Conservation at The Institute of Petroleum's annual conference in
London, Feb. 17th, 2003. One outcome of that event is to be the creation of
localized "Citizen Petroleum Councils." Read about CPCs and
read the full text of his speech.
Read our attack on Paul Krugman's
position on globalization in a New
York Times letter published Dec.
5, 2003.
Anti-globalization protests:
Washington, DC had a relatively small rally and march, but the weather
and the cops were mellow. Read about the April 24
Mobilize Against Globalization
Miami, Florida saw massive
protest against the FTAA in November
2003. The WTO, NAFTA and Plan Puebla Panama
are all
tied into the FTAA. Read about and see photos on Miami and the Cancun WTO
showdown in September
2003: see our WTO
protests page.
Saving the redwoods: Learn about the historic Humboldt
County lawsuit against the Pacific Lumber Company and the corporation's environmentally
destructive timber harvest practices. For more information read the D.A.'s
complaint. The corporation funded a recall election against the D.A.,
but he survived handily on the March 2,
election, so he'll keep his job and keep
suing Pacific Lumber. But after these battles, what is next? See Humboldt's
Economic Vision.
Coal mining is
an insidious, polluting activity that consumerism contributes to. Mountain
top removal must be stopped. Read
about a recent Earth First! action and legal battle in Tennessee on behalf of
Zeb Mountain, on our coal webpage.
Coal-fired power plants emit vast
quantities of mercury which is highly toxic. The Bush EPA doesn't want to
inconvenience industry, so the amount we're dealing with annually nowadays
should be put into perspective:
"It takes just the amount of one
mercury temperature household-size fever- thermometer to contaminate all the fish and water and life
of one 20 acre lake. That's 0.7 grams of mercury! 48 tons is 48,000,000
grams, enough for approximately 68,571,428 ( million) 20- acre lakes." Tony
Pereira, ME, EIT
Arcata, California passed a law against
compliance with the Patriot Act. Read a London newspaper article.
11, 2001 had an affect on almost everyone on the planet. Culture Change's
funding almost dried up. That's trivial compared to the fate of innocent
Afghanis, Iraqis, and Americans. What really happened on 9-11? see our 9-11
info webpage.
thank the James McGreen & Nancy K. Cadigan Fund of Community Foundation
Sonoma County for their continuing support of Culture Change.
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