Culture Change
e-Letter archive:
columns on peak oil, petroleum dependence, overpopulation, social phenomena and sustainable
living, by Jan Lundberg
29, 2005 A critique of pure liberalism
/ The System's opponents are not
20, 2005
Goodbye American Dreamland: Congress hears
quote by Jan Lundberg on peak oil
10, 2005 More
traffic congestion is funded /
American dream changes the Earth
5, 2005 A culture of torture: out of
control? - Pepperspray
via Q-tip, war, ecocide, etc.
23, 2005 Depaver Jan's Petroleum
Tour: Earth Day reality check
8, 2005 Fasting
for healing and inner peace
25, 2005 Activists and hipsters without
territory or a plan
part 1: the problem / part 2: the solution
15, 2005 From the northern redwoods to
Berkeley Babylon
11, 2005 Ways to end car culture along
with the globalized trade godzilla articles
by Jan Lundberg and Julian Darley
28, 2005 Peak
oil in a nutshell - Here comes the nutcracker
25, 2005 A survey on trends and
outcomes from a long, personal perspective
17, 2005 A spear
through the global warming beasts heart? - In defense of islands,
the Arctic, ourselves
November 17, 2004
of the petroleum delusion / Rise of the DIY movement
November 5, 2004 After the latest
mistake, it's up to us The reelection
of Bush after seeing so much energy put into electing a Democrat
#78 October 30, 2004
Heinz Kerry for First Lady
White House election endorsement
#77 October 22, 2004
greening the petroleum economy The
technofix isn't
#76 October 15, 2004 Resisting the war machine and
U.S. ecocide
#75 September 19, 2004 An activist's memo on the
pepper spray-by-Q-tip trial
#74 September 8, 2004 Doom and gloom?
Your perception calls the tune Interconnectedness
of all in the universe
#73 August 31, 2004 Global corporate slave society ahead?
The rise of corporate
rule and its opposition
#72 August 22, 2004
end of false progress - Origins
of materialism, and implications for our future
#71 August 13, 2004 The
rise and fall of Sustainable Energy Institute, 1988 - 2004
#70 August 2, 2004 Plastics:
Your Formidable Enemy Questioning
exposure, recycling, biodegradability, alternatives
#69 July 24, 2004 Factors
of instability for a disturbed population
(second of two parts)
#68 July 14, 2004 Can the
ecopsychologically disturbed citizenry question legitimacy of rulers?
of two parts)
#67 July 5, 2004 What's
missing from Fahrenheit 9/11 the first movie to demolish a
#66 June 30, 2004 "Separation from
nature" impossible despite rising social alienation
#65 June 6, 2004
Rebelling against extinction As surely as the red sun
#64 May 27, 2004 Al
Gore fires up hearts but oozes myth
#63 May 21, 2004 A
David Brower Memorial Parking Garage in Berkeley?
#62 May 2, 2004 The
reality beyond the trappings of technological society
Freeing the world beneath the pavement
#61 April 26, 2004 Movements with too careful leadership = stagnation
Daily cultural revolution or annual marches?
#60 April 16, 2004 "Paper
or plastic?": Why
the kill-for-oil culture will collapse and die
#59 April 16, 2004 The coming global catastrophe
and ways to preempt it
#58 April 8, 2004 Overshadowing global warming's pressure cooker:
Putting Iraq, oil prices,
and 9-11 in perspective
#57 March 31, 2004 The right to be poor and to thrive
Toward a Constitutional Amendment
#56 March 20, 2004 Song-dreams
for a peaceful Earth I can't refuse the muse
#55 February 29, 2004 Dam
blasting and building the greenhouse world - The activist within calls us
#54 February
17, 2004 A
First Lady of sustainability? - Teresa Heinz Kerry
#53 February 1, 2004 This is no way to
#52 January 25, 2004 Me-firstism: Dominant society treats consumerism's premise as a detail - The war for love
#51 January 16, 2004
proponents of a peaceful Earth rejecting materialism? Freedom up against materialism, climate change, overpopulation
#50 January 10, 2004 Poem for the cultural
revolution: A
nonviolent scenario: Ready for deep revolution?
#49 January 3, 2004 The
masses: a cornered animal
#48 December 27, 2003
of the well informed
Paying off in 2004?
#47 December 18, 2003 Peace
and the U.S. petro-city
#46 December
14, 2003 United
Nations Climate Change Conference: Growth remains the strategy
#45: December
2, 2003 Brain
control of the masses via pollutants
November 25, 2003 Overpopulation's
toll: Water privatization and the rising conflict
#4 3:
November 19, 2003
The corporado's life and its
#4 2:
November 12, 2003
nanotech, violence and the corporate state
They're coming for you
#41: November 6, 2003 Tyranny of mediocrity
The opposite of tribal fineness
#40: October 30, 2003 Opposing
the Plan Puebla Panama and FTAA: "Free trade" for Mesoamerica: roads, dams and death
#39: October 21, 2003 Modern
perception's limitations and The
curtain of materialist society's illusion
#38: October 14, 2003 We
came down from the trees, now we cut them - The new transition to
#37: October 6, 2003 I
love nature so I sleep with her Living outside the box
#36: September 28, 2003
Dysfunction: more individual
or societal? Overcoming the BS
#35: September 19, 2003 The solidarity option I get by with a little help from my friends
#34: September 12, 2003
Chaos, collapse and survival - Birth of a culture
#33: September 6, 2003 Party
on, Babylon - Civilizations do end
#32: August 30, 2003 Ration
oil during war Or is this a War on Conservation?
#31: August 25, 2003
On Borrowed Time
#30: August 17, 2003 Private property's not
what it's cracked up to be Question realty I was way yuppie
#29: August 10, 2003 Goodbye
to the War Party (Republicrats et al) and the nuclear threat
#28: August 2, 2003 The joy of
riding a bike: sticking it to corporate polluters
#27: July 26, 2003 Mr.
AmeriCop, inmate/warden - The daily grind in a society mentally
#26: July 16, 2003 Forming
a Global Warming Crisis Council

#25: July 10, 2003 Industrial
society has polluted enough
Down the WTO Economy?
#24: June 26, 2003 The oil industry has plans
for you: blow-back
#23: June 13, 2003 Shattering illusions and
building freedom are unpopular for now
#22: June 7, 2003 Why money and materialism
aren't the answer
#21: May 24, 2003 The
Machine versus Food-Not-Lawns
#20: May 15, 2003 Petroleum culture versus
Earth living
The fallacy of the renewable energy technofix
#19: May 9, 2003 The tragedy of money relations
and the alternative
#18: May 2, 2003 The
cost of oil security: No more war
Become informed, and act
#17: April 24, 2003 False
prosperity from oil:
It is the obedient
workers who will eat for now
#16: April 16, 2003 Is
the market The Enemy?
#15: April 7, 2003 U.S.
civilization's weakness evident in family trends
#14: March 2003 The
peace movement and oil
#13: March 2003 Sustainability
starts with family solidarity
#12: February 2003 Institute
of Petroleum hears Sustainable Energy message
#11: January 2003 Citizen
petroleum councils: toward conservation, food security and peace
#10: January 2003 7 notions for a
livable new year
#9: December 2002 The Holy
Daniel Quinn's novel reviewed
#8: November 2002 Health care
tribe: elder care "insurance"
#7: October 2002 Ending U.S.
oil tyranny
#6: October 2002 The
nature revolution
#5: September 2002 Sustainable
#4: August 2002 Where lies
failure of
the world summit on sustainable development
#3: August 2002 Spare Iraq and the
atmosphere, avoid oil shock
#2: July 2002 Hunting and
gathering in
#1: June 2002 Alternative
to techno-enslavement
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