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Participate in Culture Change for positive change
by Jan Lundberg
17 June 2011
Message from founder Jan Lundberg on Culture Change's progress, prospects and
needs. To take fast action here's our donation web page:Contribute
Dear Culture Changer,
It's good that in all my years at Culture Change since 1988, I don't
remember an update's being more packed with projects, news and ideas.
First, I would like to put the developments and our sometimes frantic
efforts into context and let you know why we try and try -- for today's
world is not the same one as you and I knew even a few years ago.
More than ever, we at Culture Change are struggling to bring about
significant change in the way people understand and need to act, to save
our Earth.
We share your concerns as we advance the ideals we hold in common. We
share a vision for a livable world. Some of us are on the front lines,
striving to promote real solutions for achieving what we believe in,
because our common survival depends on it.
We're fighting for humankind and the natural world on which we depend,
although most people don't understand the gravity of the situation. It's
only with the help of those like you who understand, that Culture Change
can continue to be a critical voice and engage in the battle. Let us do
more to further the cause.
We have moved to Santa Cruz, on the Monterey Bay south of San Francisco.
This seems like the best choice for me to live and work. I am closer to
more of my colleagues than I was in Portland or Arcata. This puts me in
position to pursue more outreach and organizing to my north and south.
Already I am encouraged that the prospect of interns is promising in this
university town. But costs are higher in attractive and progressive Santa
Cruz, so we need to be able to cover our expenses to maintain Culture
Change and the Sail Transport Network.
We'll continue to support enlightened initiatives and positive trends in
California and spread them beyond the state to the world. We'll offer at
all levels our vision and influence on such issues as slashing energy use,
the toxic plastic plague, liberating the land via depaving,
food-not-lawns, sail transport, pedal power, and more.
Sail Transport Network (STN) promises to be one of the avenues for
society's salvation. Global and local projects are underway in STN that
reflect a leap in its growth compared to a year ago. A small example:
travel time from Santa Cruz to Monterey by sail boat usually takes less
time than by bus. (There are no trains.) The post-oil future may not see
growth in rail, and there's not going to be cheap energy for buses using
tires on asphalt. So the truly free energy from wind over the water will
be embraced again, worldwide. What's more, this totally addresses "green"
concerns that are funded by government and supported by the community.
Power from the wind on water will transport us and move goods, without
fossil fuels, the way humans did for millennia.
Two expansive articles on the Sail Transport Network came out this month. EarthTimes.org did one, and there are more to come. Check our website
Carol Brouillet, speaker at left in red. Photo by Jan Lundberg
The anti-nuclear movement's snail's-paced revival in the U.S. is puzzling,
but Culture Change is trying to be positive as we do more to do our part.
Although the rally in San Francisco on June 10th was tiny, California
activists are doing the right things for building momentum. While there I
was delighted to learn details of the initiative petition campaign to shut
down California's nuclear power plants on earthquake faults. We have
pledged to help this campaign.
Exposure of Culture Change's ideas are crucial for success on our various
fronts. Of all things, a Danish ladies fashion magazine interviewed me
for a feature on living in nature, that will appear in July. Living
"outside the box" isn't dead, as explored in a recent article we published
that was picked up by New Clear Vision, Getting There.
Perhaps the out-of-the-blue coverage from Denmark was generated by the
major attention we got in May from the huge daily newspaper the Shanghai
Oriental Morning Post. My interview (also on Culture Change) in the
newspaper was wide ranging enough that it has stimulated ideas for
collaboration around the Pacific Rim. Perhaps because of "prophesies"
I've been making for two decades, the newspaper called me the "progressive
czar of energy policy."
We will not disappoint you and your children and grandchildren if you
contribute to our continuity. We're staying on top of the big picture,
and will not give up fighting for a healthy world and fairness in human
economies. Granted, the world is in a negative spiral, but we also see
the positive opportunities for eventual sustainability.
Now is the time to act as one, no matter what it is you can do --
independently or in concert. Help the cause, whether it is to join us in
projects or to go forth and act on your own. Ideas:
• Help with my new book. I've kicked off a Kickstarter campaign to
support my autobiography Songs of Petroleum. The idea is to get more
books sent to reviewers and talk show hosts. Please see the webpage
Kickstarter gave me:
There you can learn about my book. Would you like a copy for writing
and publishing a review?
• An unusual idea: Some well-connected celebrities appreciate sailing
and the idea of sail transport, but may not know about the Sail
Transport Network. You can contact the manager or publicist of a rock
star, for example, who perhaps owns a sailboat. To inform him or her of
STN could be a fun volunteer task, one of many.
Fundraising has been on the back burner. If you cannot help remedy this
with some money, how about
• contacting your local newspapers' editors and radio stations' talk
show hosts to ask them to consider including Culture Change articles'
points about a particular issue, or to have me discuss my book?
suggesting to your favorite websites that they include articles from
www.CultureChange.org. It's free to republish.
My collaborations are a joy, and Culture Change has made strides we
treasure. But we can't do all we desire to turn entropy back into
pristine nature. Culture Change has done most of the key things within
our power, but funds are crucial.
We need your help now. When it comes to saving life as we know it,
everything else pales in comparison. We look forward to hearing from you
even if it is just to say "I'm with you!" This is an urgent appeal for
your solidarity and participation so we can maintain momentum. Below is
our new address.
Thanks for being a culture changer!
Jan Lundberg
independent oil industry analyst
Publishe and chief editor
Culture Change
P.O. Box 3387, Santa Cruz, 95063 USA
Tel./fax 1-215-243-3144
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Tax-deductible contributions can be mailed to the above address, payable
to Culture Change/GVI. Or you can make an online donation. Thank you!
Culture Change mailing address: P.O. Box 3387, Santa Cruz, California, 95063, USA, Telephone 1-215-243-3144 (and fax). Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute (formerly Fossil Fuels Policy Action), a nonprofit organization.
Some articles are published under Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. See Fair Use Notice for more information.