Culture Change
06 March 2025
Philosopher's plea from on high in China: Do Nothing (and laugh) PDF Print E-mail
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by David West   
03 June 2011
ImageA message to Americans - STOP PURSUING!

Opinions on the benefits or detriments of marijuana are very mixed, so it would seem that we should listen to those with most factual experience.

Several members of the BTI Institute are participating in daily experiments, and they are reporting amazing success.

But not all these reports can be taken at face value. In many cases, attributing all of the success to marijuana could be erroneous, because many other ingestants such as tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and cocaine could have contributed to the success.

But in summary, no failures have been reported, although there were some reports of 'no effect.' This has been put down to a defective batch of humans.

Meanwhile, on a different note (please hum 'mee', as in doh, ray, mee), over in the mind laboratory, the alchemy experiment proceeds -- producing gold from recycled material. The base material used is an average American -- we can find nothing more base. First we have to remove many misguided thoughts.

Most Americans are concerned with following or being followed, as they are known to be in pursuit of happiness. We would like to tell them that if they would just stay still one moment and STOP PURSUING, then they would have a much better chance of happiness finding them. This ceasure of pursuing would not be a selfish act, because the entire world's population would heave a huge sigh of relief that the lunatics with the big guns have grown up at last, and additionally the failing experiment's health problems would be eased significantly. Their constant reference to 'the right to bare arms' needs to be updated to include legs too and must relate to all this misguided and unnecessary pursuing.

The world's environmental, political, financial, religious, and social problems could be solved easily. If every American reading this actually does what it says, if only for one day at first, then the world will turn to gold for every inhabitant. This is the alchemy experiment.

All you have to do is to choose one day per week when you concentrate all your intent on doing nothing. This will be a new activity for Americans -- it is already very popular in many parts of the world such as Mexico, Spain and Laos, but somehow America seems to have missed out. So this experiment is an attempt to bring the wonders of alchemy to all Americans, wherever they may reside (we clearly understand that many of you reside outside the failing experiment, or would prefer to).

Buddha was the greatest teacher of doing nothing. Having sat on ones own legs for a few minutes, it's impossible to stand or walk, so doing nothing is the result - a great teacher -- but not truly recognised by Americans, most of whom haven't seen their legs for a few years.

The advice is simple.
1) Choose one day this week when you have nothing really important that must be done.
2) On that day, and that day every week, choose to do nothing.
3) When you have done nothing for four days in one month, make it two days per week, and so on.
4) It is now June -- by August, we can be doing nothing 2 days per week, by September three, and by year end, all the worlds problems will have ceased, and it will once again be possible for Americans to consider dong something, but hopefully oh so very different to their incredibly stupid ways of 2011. This is the solution to all the prophesied 2012 problems, the outcome of which is totally dependent on whether the average American does something -- or nothing.

If they succeed in doing nothing, then they will create sufficient space for the rest of us to clear up their mess, and get on with a more sensible and peaceful life.

But for now, it is essential that we all commence THIS WEEK, or else we will end up having to do everything ourself. It is essential to learn and practice doing nothing.

The use of marijuana has been discovered to be a great aid to many people. They find that their ability to do nothing is greatly enhanced by the use of marijuana, and we have already seen how this contributes in so many ways to the welfare of our beloved planet's environmental woes. So please join us in our world-wide quest to encourage everyone to do nothing, and don't Bogart.

'Do nothing' our motto for life.
The need for 'doing' is created by a preoccupation with the body. Once identification with 'just a body' is broken, then we realise that we also have a mind, though little used when first encountered. Marijuana has helped many people to make that first important encounter, though 'no effect' is still registered by some, who appear to be not ready or ripe yet, or are possibly of a genetically misengineered variety.

Although humans gained the ability to stand, walk, and sit vertically, this ability is over-rated, to the detriment of the far more relaxing prone positions. We find that in 2011, most human beings spent most hours unprone, and that is terribly bad for the health -- look at any animal for an example.

The act of asking someone else to do something is the same as doing it ourself. There are few guidelines in this open experiment, but the major one is that any attempt to do or cause anyone to do anything is the same as failure to do nothing. This guideline makes the experiment far more likely to succeed, because when everyone stops asking others to do things for them, it becomes much easier for everyone to do nothing.

If you feel that you might run short of food during this experiment, take Buddha's example - go knock on your neighbour's door, and take a begging bowl -- this still constitutes doing nothing within the guidelines of the experiment. We must apologise to those religions that require kneeling, standing and sitting exercises. This is a complete failure in doing nothing, and is entirely unnecessary.

All you have to do to get your fair share of the gold is -- nothing.

Please help our cause, and do nothing.

Thank you.

* * * *

David West's previous article in Culture Change was Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Prior to that was his Let's not look upon the demise of our financial base as a bad thing. David was born in Nottinghamshire, UK, and has lived in Asia for the last 20 years. After starting and running a successful computer business in Manchester, David drove to Thailand in search of a more meaningful life, and found it. He has written two books, Running a Small Business, and Find Yourself, and now teaches English to students in Kunming, China.

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