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How We Will Turn the Gulf Catastrophe into Positive Change PDF Print E-mail
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by Jan Lundberg   
19 July 2010
ImageWe all want to really make it right in the Gulf. Will BP and the government handle it well enough? That's in doubt. It's actually up to us all. We need urgent environmental action especially involving energy consumption: let us cut oil use.

The grassroots coalition World Oil Reduction for the Gulf (WORG) has as its initial objective the promulgation and propagation of a powerful Resolution for immediate global remediation of the gusher in the Gulf of Mexico.

A sensible approach for energy efficiency is to go after the low-hanging fruit, which WORG and many other advocates have identified. Pursuing this, World Oil Reduction for the Gulf's first purpose is to ecologically and numerically counteract the unprecedented millions of barrels of toxic oil and methane spewing into the Gulf waters and the atmosphere.

The crisis may seem to abate, but it may not be possible to fully describe the long-term ecological and economic consequences with words, numbers and images. What's more, it is the unseen ongoing petroleum the world uses in a normal fashion, that gets no headlines, that is more insidious: the climate-changing emissions and other pollutants spoil all habitats, not just the Gulf of Mexico that people have noticed of late. This is the greatest reason to cut oil use immediately.

To act you need not go further than to read and distribute the WORG Resolution. See the document on our new webpage at As specified, relatively simple measures can begin to bring U.S. oil consumption under control, if we move toward achieving a reduction commensurate with the near hundreds of millions of gallons of oil and unknown number of cubic feet of methane released by the Deepwater Horizon (Macondo) gusher.


We cannot stop there. The Gulf disaster has opened the eyes of millions of people to the threat that oil poses to all aspects of life on our small planet. The crisis in the Gulf cannot "go away" any time soon, but some citizens may want to believe it -- will they miss the opportunity to do something about the overall problem? Will ecological degradation reach the killing point world-wide, to finally wake people up when it is too late?

If enough people begin to push their city councils to act -- ordinances to follow the Resolution -- we can achieve action also on the State level, finally causing the federal government to act in confirmation of a national movement. It seems obvious that for first states, Louisiana and Florida should be logical candidates, despite any anti-oil green tinge from cutting oil consumption: the "pain" of reducing oil use across the board would be distributed mainly beyond the Gulf. For a progressive proposal such as WORG to fly, it may have to be that a state like Vermont takes the plunge first.

We invite you tol join us in our attempt to have the U.S. finally address its oil and energy gluttony. This can affect positively other nations and the global economy. The standing of the U.S. today as most wasteful consumer can improve by offsetting the Gulf disaster on a barrel-to-barrel basis, by cutting petroleum use. The U.S. uses twice the energy of affluent West European countries per capita, largely due to massive pro-oil subsidies in the U.S. It is high time that the profligate U.S. cuts back now, when the planet is taking a big hit from greedy BP and from those tied to its fortunes (you and me?).


WORG offers a choice of various kinds of cutbacks in oil use for communities to undertake. These cutbacks, requiring “sacrifice,” would in the aggregate potentially make up for the entire Gulf oil gusher -- past, present and future -- in a short time if they were even modestly implemented. They will be clearly set out: a Washington, D.C. think tank is preparing for WORG a special graph of U.S. oil consumption that shows some of the many ways to reduce oil consumption. They won't all be on the pie chart, but these ways include: lessening car dependence through enhancing mass transit, bicycling, and car-pooling; purchasing less food shipped from thousands of miles away; banning some disposable plastics; adjusting thermostats; banning leaf blowers and discouraging power mowers; shutting BP’s unsafe refineries, and -- last but not least -- ending the wars for oil.

Plugging the damaged well and cleanup are only the first step. President Obama has offered no leadership towards slashing oil use – except for calling for a clean energy future. We need action now, rather than waiting for results from long-term investment and faith in the free market and politicians. As an independent oil industry analyst I have been trying to do everything possible to bring culture change to the forefront. We stand a good chance now to do that through WORG. I hope you share our goals and will get involved.

We have the WORG coalition counts as its members:

Captain Charles Moore, anti-plastics researcher and activist
Center for Biological Diversity
Population Press
Hope Dance
Culture Change
Communities For Justice And Peace
Dr. Brent Blackwelder, president emeritus of Friends of the Earth - U.S.

To join WORG (no membership fee), consider the Resolution that we hope your city council and state will adopt. It is at Let us know if you and your organization can be listed as a member or endorser of WORG. Your involvement in this cause as a WORG coalition member is most welcome. Very soon the website will be further developed for maximum participation and speedy actions for WORG participants.

Besides signing up more groups and individuals, the task at hand requires networking, research, travel, and publicity. The present WORG coalition members will do their part. Meanwhile, prior to rapid deployment for our first city-council Resolution for world oil reductin for the Gulf, Culture Change is now the organization making the big initial push. So your generous donation to Culture Change today will support the early, rapid development of WORG. Please go to our donation page at

Thank you,

Jan Lundberg

independent oil industry analyst
Publisher, Editor and Founder, Culture Change
P.O. Box 4347, Arcata, CA 95518
Committee Against Oil Exploration (CAOE, pronounced K-O).
jan "at"

Further reading:

On oil subsidies and more: "New thinking on BP spill: Declare a holiday!" by Brent Blackwelder, The Daly News: Energy Bulletin

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