Counter argument for "Stimulus," growth and employment
by Jan Lundberg
02 March 2009
"Our culture and Western Civilization are
so threatened from within -- the system's own contradictions and
failures -- that collapse prevents us from imagining in much detail what
kind of new (or traditional, close-to-nature) culture or society can be
around the corner. Likewise, technology worship and clinging to
material things hold us back."
Culture Change Letter #239
It is not clear where we are headed in terms of a society impacted by
ecological destruction and the end of globalized consumption. I for one
am not sure I want to see the result. However, as things are not so bad
now compared to where they seem to be heading -- with too many mouths to
feed and no social safety net or ecological capacity up to the challenge
for avoiding big pain -- I continue to soldier on, so to speak. I try
to serve the greater good while I worry about my own survival and that
of my loved ones. I also have a good time when I can, but things are
getting weirder for me as they seem to be for most of us.
I keep in mind my former career-training as an oil-industry analyst and
my generalist knowledge gained, in order to try to make sense of our
changing, swirling world. It's what I learned after leaving the
industry and government that ultimately allowed me, I believe, to find
out more or less fully what is going on, and thus feel I can offer ideas on
what needs to be done. That is not to say I know everything or am
prepared for any direction the human experience may take. But some
things I know for sure from experience and meditating on the forces of both
history and the universe.
In the 1980s I was making widely reported gasoline price and supply predictions. After leaving
industry I made more interesting predictions. In 1991 I wrote in the Spring 1992 edition of Population and
Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, that
the U.S. socioeconomic failure would be worse than the Soviet Union's
collapse, because we were so petroleum-dependent compared to the
Russians who on the household level were growing their own
potatoes. Through the 1990s I predicted collapse of the U.S. economy due to the coming global peak of oil extraction, in our Auto-Free Times magazine which became Culture
Change. I have also predicted an eventual Ecotopian outcome, even in
the U.S. that I've jokingly called the United Paved Precincts of
I have learned that the kind of economy and social structure we
have been living under is lacking in any sound foundation for long-term
continuity. In fact, our survival is threatened by our present system.
The political solutions that have been allowed to circulate are really
economic band-aids that do not threaten the power
structure. This is a prime reason it is so hard to predict where we are
going to end up as a people. Our culture and Western Civilization are
so threatened from within -- the system's own contradictions and
failures -- that collapse prevents us from imagining in much detail what
kind of new (or traditional, close-to-nature) culture or society can be
around the corner. Likewise, technology worship and clinging to
material things hold us back.
For my whole adult life I have yearned for and worked for -- except when
I was mostly serving corporations -- a better world that left war, greed
and pollution behind. The paradox is that when one wants fundamental
change enough to take action and look deeply at the
obstacles, the positive vision is tempered by unpleasant realism and
truth that others may call negative or doom-and-gloom. But the sum of positive
alternatives -- to ecocide, war and unequal treatment -- is in one's
heart and not suppressed everywhere at all times. Here I leave the
style of first-person writing and lay out the rest of my argument.
People are currently their own worst enemy. Some are removed from
caring about themselves or others, and they are motivated to hold the
power to enforce the status quo. They manage to keep the majority of
people, who are not aggressive or creative, under control by various
means. One way is to convince people that being able to buy things
means freedom, although for 99% of our evolution as a species we lived
in a natural way so as to use freely what was at hand for survival and
for the good of the tribe and "relations" (other species). Another way
to control people is through divide-and-conquer tactics with a large
measure of fear generated. Hence, we have a fairly obedient population
that allows astronomical disparity in wealth. The frogs in the pot are
starting to boil to death, but now we at last have a black frog who croaks
really well and means well, but he represents change-lite.
The "Obama Stimulus" is not all bad, just as there are some good
government programs. However, it is time to question the feasibility of
really reforming a doomed system built on lies, exploitation and
separation from nature.
Workers as the key to the problem
Workers are enablers of the system that exploits them and kills them.
Workers "earning" their paycheck and material wealth that serves to
destroy the ecosystem are dutiful dupes of authoritarian, ruthless
rulers who control not only wealth but institutions and public
information. Workers are not all of one mind, and many are reluctant
workers who would rather be relaxing or doing something to directly
benefit themselves and their family. But enough workers have bought
into the ideas that jobs are necessary and that it is acceptable or
inevitable to work for others -- in order to get nowhere but the
eventual grave after a stunted life deprived of fulfillment.
No one dares call today's worker a glorified beast of burden, for we have
"progressed" and overcome the bad old past where things were more cut-
and-dried. This mistake or inescapable conclusion in logic (and
conclusion of one's life) means that the adherents of more jobs are the
actual problem with humanity and the ecosystem today, whether the
adherents are workers or capitalists. Another way to put it is that our
enemy is merely lack of imagination and of love for one another.
The social policy course of employment, which is the apparent easy way
out of recently added stress, versus the course of rejecting the system
(and living under the radar, ethically or no), is dominant, and
correlative with the deteriorating state the species finds itself in.
At a time when the failure of mega-finance and debt is so clear that no
one has a certainty of future well-being, it should also be clear enough
to generate doubt in the entire system that is so clearly ailing and
teetering. The approach of more of the same, to prop up the existing
system instead of create a better one that's a major departure from the
present one, is insanely dangerous.
The Stimulus assumes the system will respond to it and go back to
growing. When we look at the weakness of the system and see what the
permanent loss of cheap energy and pristine nature have to offer, it
should be obvious there's no return to growth.
The idea of growth is diametrically opposed to stability. So
stability has been redefined as growth, which is physically
impossible over time on a closed system called Earth. Because growth cannot go on forever, those advocating it
are really the forces of short-term gain for greed. To claim that
growth helps people goes with attempts to stave of problems relating to
overcrowding in relation to resource limits.
It is only when people (1) finally question the existing system's
ability to care for everyone (which it never could) in the long term,
and (2) when people reject the ridiculousness of endless growth, and (3)
they take control of their own affairs to assure their local environment
meets basic needs (instead of working for a corporate entity to buy
things from strangers), will the true economic problems and ecological
crisis be dealt with.
So it must be with different eyes that we see developments now
signaling the end of growth. For example, the cutting of 16,000 jobs at
Sony, and 4,000 jobs at Microsoft, need to be seen as good news. (What should be much more troubling is the estimated 95,000 agricultural jobs to be lost in California during 2009, due mainly to drought.)
Although the workers are displaced, they have stopped producing
machines and gizmos that warm the globe through electric use that then
become toxic junk for the landfills due to questionable recycling. The idled workers, largely ignorant of ecology and energy, may be waiting
for more work of the same kind while
unwilling (or at a loss) to work for themselves as full members of their
own communities.
The world is faced with global unemployment rising this year by more than 50m from baseline 2007 levels, according to the International Labour Organization, a UN agency. The agency also spoke of an additional 200 million people going into lower-paid poverty. (These calculations are based on the stronger corporate economy of over a month ago.) There is probably no solution for this in terms of new jobs opening up in the traditional sense. However, if these people can somehow obtain food, they can shift to the kind of work that benefits themselves and their own communities while safeguarding their ecosystems. And it is not "them" at risk; we are all going to affected in the accelerating depression and petrocollapse.
The economic crisis is overdue, as the WTO and various
capitalistic bubbles delayed the once normal business cycle of
recession. Now the system is going down fast. The workers and non-workers of today will figure out a way, although with huge casualties
due to lack of preparation for the real world.
Rather than argue over the present system's ability to come back and allow its proponents to offer more of the same -- using the veiled claim that it's
good for families to be dependent and helpless -- it is time to imagine
that a better world is possible. Local food production and caring for a
region's water supplies are just two features of what needs to happen
now, and ultimately will happen. The doubt one may have over the
timing, and how weak we may be to start over as a saner society,
confuses the issues as much as the ongoing suppression of better ways of
organizing ourselves. Cooperative arrangements and sharing are anathema
to those suffering most from material insecurity: those who must own
unlimited wealth. As long as these sociopaths can continue to hold or control
positions of leadership and manipulate the masses through media and
other institutions -- as well as through fear and divide-and-conquer --
then the weirder will be our daily lives as the pressure and uncertainty
build. Recognizing this can help get us on task.
* * * * *
"America Needs Restructuring," by Jan Lundberg
"Fossil fuels policy action: A special section for correspondence and controversy",
Population & Environment, Springer Netherlands (who took over),
ISSN 0199-0039 (Print) 1573-7810 (Online),
Issue Volume 13, Number 3 / March, 1992 Population & Environment
Culture Change mailing address: P.O. Box 3387, Santa Cruz, California, 95063, USA, Telephone 1-215-243-3144 (and fax). Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute (formerly Fossil Fuels Policy Action), a nonprofit organization.
Some articles are published under Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. See Fair Use Notice for more information.