Unsustainable soil mining: past, present and future
by Peter Salonius
03 February 2008
Editor's note: I first heard about "mining the soil" in the 1970s from my
father Dan Lundberg regarding ethanol, and we enjoyed injecting the term
into the Lundberg Letter in our analyses of alcohol fuels. The article
that follows is Part Two of Peter Salonius's two-part series, and goes far
beyond alcohol fuels. The first part, "Intensive crop culture for high
population is unsustainable", was released as our previous email to the Culture Change list and is accessible through the link at the bottom of this article. - JL
Human settlement has increased food production by progressively converting complex, self-managing natural ecosystems with tight nutrient cycles into simplified, intensively managed agricultural ecosystems that are subject to nutrient leaching. (Most agriculture is unsustainable in the long term.)
Conventional stem wood forest harvesting is now poised to be replaced by intensive harvesting of biomass to substitute for increasingly scarce non-renewable fossil fuels. Removal of nutrient-rich forest biomass (harvesting of slash) can not be sustained in the long term.
[Key Words: soil nutrient depletion, biomass harvesting, site productivity]
A general discussion of the concept of sustainability was presented by Gatto (1995), who suggested that notions of sustainability "reflect different priorities and optimization criteria, which are notoriously subjective"; however, the goal of maintaining soil-productive capacity is not a subjective notion. In this paper I will show that long term sustainable terrestrial carrying capacity depends on the maintenance of self-managing, nutrient-conservative plant communities.
The dynamic cyclical stability of complex ecosystems has been shown, for most animal populations, to depend on the ability of predators to dampen overshoot and runaway consumption dynamics of prey species (Rooney et al, 2006).
Predators, parasites and diseases deplete very high herbivore populations, that
have already encountered Malthusian constraints (Royama 1992), before they
produce extreme devastation of the plant ecosystems upon which they depend.
In the absence of top predators, very high animal populations can degrade the
biological diversity, carrying capacity and biological productivity of their
environments (Terborgh et al. 2001).
There have not been top predators able to keep humans from overshoot of
carrying capacity. Before the advent of agriculture, human populations used
culturally mediated behavior like extended infant suckling, abortifacients and
infanticide to limit their fertility, to keep their numbers far below carrying capacity,
and to avoid Malthusian constraints like starvation (Read and LeBlanc 2003).
Warfare between groups competing for the same resources, before the evolution
of states, also appears have been a significant constraint on the growth of human
numbers (Keeley 1996).
After the advent of agriculture, mortality rates, caused by conflict, decreased
somewhat as local raiding by chiefdoms evolved into long-distance territorial conquest by states that developed complex patterns of authority delegation
(Spencer 2003). These cultural and conflict behaviors, that limited human
population growth, served to maintain balance between humans and other
species during most of the historical record. Read and Leblanc (2003) suggest
that hunter-gatherers, in areas of low resource density, tend to maintain generally
stable populations, while high resource density, such as that produced by
agriculture, decreases the spacing of births more rapidly than the increase in
resource density which results in repeating cycles of carrying capacity overshoot
and population collapse. While Boserup (2005), maintained that agricultural
production was necessitated by the pressure of population increase, others
suggest that the advent of agriculture allowed human carrying capacity to
increase by increasing the access to and consistency of food supplies (Younquist
1999, Hopfenberg and Pimentel 2001, Abernethy 2002). However, as most
agriculture is a soil-nutrient-depleting practice, this carrying capacity increase is
unsustainable in the absence of exogenous (imported) nutrient supplies.
Carrying capacity of terrestrial ecosystems is hinged, in the long term, on the
supply of nutrients for plant growth. Only the hunter-gatherer culture appears to
have been sustainable because human numbers were controlled by the
productivity limits of self-managed, nutrient-conserving forest and
grassland (prairie) ecosystems (Manning 2004).
Intensive forest clearing begins in Europe
Human numbers increased slowly until massive forest clearing and plowing for
agriculture, in Western Europe 1,000 years ago, increased food production
enough to fuel much more rapid population growth; this assault on forests
spread as European empires colonized the rest of the globe (Williams 2006). The
exponential increase of human numbers during the last millennium has been
relentless, although the elimination of one third of the people between India and
Iceland in the 1300s, as a result of Bubonic Plague, did produce a very small dip
in the growth curve before its inexorable increase resumed within a century
(Stanton 2003).
The scarcity of forest land for agricultural clearing and the nutrient depletion of
farmed soils have produced brakes on local population growth at various times
during the last 10,000 years. When soil productivity was seriously diminished by
agriculture in a particular area and/or population numbers exceeded local
carrying capacity, the propensity of humans to migrate came into play as new
forest lands were cleared and cultivated (Manning 2004, Williams 2006).
Agriculture has mined soil carbon and available soil nutrients (by export and
leaching, as well as by physical soil mass by erosion) to produce
increasing amounts of foodstuffs and the growing number of people who depend
on them.
Recent population growth
Just at the time that most of the earth had been submitted to human patch
disturbance, forest depletion and the unsustainable practice of farming, finite
fossil fuels allowed geological energy to replace wood fuel, draft animal power
and to facilitate the mining, chemical synthesis and long distance transport of
fertilizer nutrients to replace those removed by soil depleting agriculture.
Albert Bartlett (1978) has said that "modern agriculture is the use of land to convert
petroleum into food."
The six-fold population growth, from 1750 to the present, was facilitated by
augmenting limited solar energy with massive amounts of temporarily available,
geologically stored non-renewable fossil and nuclear fuels. As these fuel sources
are exhausted during the next century, we can anticipate
the replacement of population growth with energy-depletion-orchestrated
economic and population shrinkage (Campbell 2002, Salonius 2005). Humans
have far outstripped any equilibrium levels as they have usurped the living space
of almost all other species on earth, and completely eliminated many of them.
Humans have degraded the productive capacity of most of the ecosystems on
the planet and are now proceeding to make more alterations to the atmosphere
than have been experienced naturally in the last 600,000 years (Brook 2005) by
burning fossil fuels and clearing forests.
Unsustainable exploitation
Among natural resource exploitative industries, forest harvesting and ocean
fisheries offered the best possibility for long-term sustainability. Currently, as the
the marine food chain has been fished down and the ability of the oceans to
absorb pollutants has been compromised, marine productivity of food that is
useful to humans has been, at least temporarily, diminished.
There have been episodes of forest foliage and litter collection to augment
depleted fertility levels on agricultural lands, in the period before non-renewable-
energy dependent mining, chemical synthesis and long-distance transport of
fertilizers made such collections unnecessary. However, most forest harvesting,
not associated with land clearing for agriculture, has been confined to the
removal of tree stems. Nutrient-rich braches and foliage (slash)
were not removed from harvesting sites. This appears to have been sustainable,
if harvest openings were sized to approximate natural disturbance dynamics, at
least as concerns the maintenance of soil nutrients for plant growth, even though
biodiversity and forest ecosystem stability appear to have been compromised in
many cases by unnaturally large harvest openings (Perera et al. 2004,
Salonius, 2007).
Impending energy scarcity, exacerbated by continuing human population growth,
is influencing the forest industry to consider high-nutrient slash (foliage, and fine
branches with large bark/wood ratios from forest-harvesting operations as a
source of biomass energy. Removal of this material will deplete the nutrient
capital of forest soils and degrade their productive capacity (Sterba 1988, Rolff
and Agren 1999, Dzwonko and Gawronski 2002, Jandl et al. 2002, Merganicova
et al. 2005).
Policy implications for forestry
Whole tree harvesting, with delimbing at roadside, has been found to lower
harvesting costs in comparison to methods that remove only stem wood (Meek
and Cormier 2004). Land managers have allowed this wasteful practice, which previously necessitated
burning (disposal of) piled harvesting (slash) at roadside to reduce
the fire hazard caused by it. The value of this (roadside) waste material is
increasing in concert with developing markets for biomass energy. A return to
harvesting methods that remove only stem wood will not occur without
regulations designed to conserve plant nutrients and maintain long-term site
Crown land managers in several Canadian provinces are presently attempting to
assess the proportion of harvesting slash that can be safely
removed according to the nutrient status of individual forest sites. As the
pressure to make very large harvest openings and remove smaller tree parts
(nutrient rich branches and foliage) increases in response to the demand for
forest biomass energy, even forest harvesting is becoming an unsustainable soil
nutrient mining practice similar to agriculture because of the
depletion of soil nutrients and the consequent erosion of long-term productivity.
Scarcity of conventional energy sources will develop during the next forest
rotation (Salonius 2005), and pulp and paper production is shifting to countries
with lower production costs. Decisions must be made as to what proportions of
the stem wood harvest are to be used for pulp and paper, lumber or biomass
energy and as a source of industrial chemicals. Wood is becoming the new
petroleum and a source of carbon-carbon bonds previously obtained exclusively
from fossil fuels. Wood can be a renewable resource if harvested responsibly,
however each unit of wood can only be used once. Decisions are required as to
whether to produce wealth by the sale of forest products to distant markets or
whether some of the harvest, that historically has been directed to commodity
markets, is to be used locally for the production of organic chemicals, liquid
biofuels and cogeneration of heat and electricity.
Long-term constraints on growth are necessary
Malthus predicted that agricultural production increases would not be able to
meet the requirements of a steadily growing human population. However he was
not aware that the depletion of soils by the agriculture, that was feeding less than
one billion humans in the 1700s, was already unsustainable in the long term.
Malthus could not have conceived of the temporary increase of carrying capacity
and food production that would be made possible by the use of non-renewable
fossil and nuclear fuels during period after his death. The abandonment of the
effective controls on human birth rates exercised by pre-agricultural societies
and the decrease in mortality by warfare that followed the evolution of states
have allowed the exponential expansion of human numbers to be fueled by
increased availability of food. This expanded human population now sees
nutrient-rich forest biomass as a partial substitute for declining supplies of
geologically stored fossil fuels.
The long-term solution to the natural resource demand/supply mismatch
requires a gradual, planned shrinkage of human numbers [Alpert 2007] as opposed to continually attempting
to meet the nutritional and energy needs of an expanding population.
Summary and conclusions
Humanity must understand that, in the absence of effective natural or cultural
controls on its numbers, population limits should be established by mutual
social consent to avoid the overshoot of long-term carrying capacity. Homo
sapiens, the species with the large brain, and the capacity to foresee future
consequences, has not collectively understood the need for the control of
its fecundity.
* * * * *
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Publishing date: February 15, 2008. A version was published in the May/June,2007 issue of The Forestry Chronicle.
Peter Salonius is a soil scientist living in New Brunswick, Canada. His previous articles in Culture Change are accessible through the link below.
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Part one of this two-part series, "Intensive crop culture for high population is unsustainable", is at
Culture Change mailing address: P.O. Box 3387, Santa Cruz, California, 95063, USA, Telephone 1-215-243-3144 (and fax). Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute (formerly Fossil Fuels Policy Action), a nonprofit organization.
Some articles are published under Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. See Fair Use Notice for more information.