Culture Change
16 March 2025
2,000-year-old redwood easy to save if... PDF Print E-mail
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by Jan Lundberg   
14 September 2007

Culture Change Letter #167, Sept. 14, 2007

As reported in the recent Culture Change e-Letter, the ancient redwood named "Spooner" in Humboldt County, near the Pacific Lumber Company town of Scotia, is slated for death and destruction. But activists are sitting high in the tree. With enough support, they can save this 2,000-year-old redwood and the surrounding trees (linked cleverly by lines in the canopy by the activists).


We have just received a dispatch from a couple of treesitters I know. The urgency is explained below, as are the needs for the activists. I'm familiar with these actions and want to see this selfless, dedicated tribe supported by the community -- there are no salaries involved, so it's a grassroots effort. But the citizens of Humboldt County do not always help in sufficient numbers to defend the forests. Instead, they usually depend on groups such as Earth First!, Northcoast Environmental Center and the Environmental Protection Information Center. As I was sent this plea to circulate from San Francisco, some wider assistance is in order immediately.

I know from personal experience that the timber-company workers are pressured to behave in a hostile manner toward protesters, as are law enforcement personnel. So please support the treesitters and pass the word. Better yet, go to these northern California redwoods to help out in an adventure that will change your life. Here is the report from Spooner today. - JL

We are in the middle of rebuilding out in Nanning Creek -- Spooner's grove -- after a September 2 raid, right before action camp. The positive side is that the support we needed to get back into the trees was there immediately.

If you are interested in our story, please check out our website [link at bottom].

If you can help us with our needs, here they are:

Nanning Creek needs to be prepared for the weather coming soon. I will share with you what we need, some is more than we expect from a donation so don't feel overwhelmed, but I like to put it out there anyway. The needs are in descending order, and anything that you can contribute would truly be a blessing.

Carabiners, repel eights, and double pulleys (highest need)
5/8" Truckers Rope Spools (High quality for high places)
Solar Panels
Climb lines (200' static or dynamic)
Wind-up solar radio (fell one too many times!)
Water Filters
Thermal Base Layers
Rain Gear (Green and Camo preferred)
Backpacks (Green and Camouflage preferred)
Wool Pants, Shirts, Socks all sizes
Clean Five Gallon Buckets with lids
Dry Foods(Care Boxes greatly appreciated)
Camouflage or hunting clothes
12V Rechargable Car Jumper (for power supply)
Soy Food Products
Mate' Tea
Inspirational Books
Gas Cards
Gift Cards for North Coast CO-OP and Eureka Natural Foods

A care package could be sent to a particular sitter. These are things that make their work more comfortable:

Socks, beanie,gloves, book(s), pocket knife, AAA batteries, pen and paper, energy bars, chocolate, mate' tea, light or headlamp, thermal baselayer, rainjacket, sewing kit(dollar store), metal cup, spoon and fork, water bottle, etc.etc. It would be awesome to recieve things like this ready to go in a daypack:) These items are best when recycled from a thrift store, military surplus or second hand shop.

Mail to:



ARCATA, CA 95518

We are always short of peanut butter, mate', pocket knives, headlamps, powdered soy milk, dried fruits, bulk grains, etc. Some of these things are easier not to ship, and we always make sure that donations go directly to the trees, we have no office or overhead, the only bills we have is phone and pager. Climbing equipment is very expensive, don't feel pressured to spend that kind of dough. Creature comforts are really needed by the sitters right now. Thank you so much for your help and interest! We appreciate anything you feel inspired to do.

Spooner in Humboldt redwoods

Much love,

(707) 845-9046
Humboldt Forest Defense

PS. September 15th is around the corner. Our needs could be forwarded to interested parties. Please at the least send us your hopes and prayers.

In love and peace,


* * * * *

North Coast Earth First! website:

The Earth First! link for donations to support Nanning Creek and Spooner:
Email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Culture Change e-Letter Sept. 12, 2997 (excerpt):
"Tree sits that protect your heritage trees are under attack: A 2,000-year-old redwood named Spooner in Humboldt County may go down, and at UC Berkeley the sacred oak grove near the Stadium has had an invasion of police in an action to intimidate and isolate protesters from the so far oblivious and unradical students. Go to websites and, respectively, and support tree sitters everywhere!"

From the activists' website: "MAXXAM/PL VILLAIN EXTRAORDINAIRE CHARLES HURWITZ" (Houston-based CEO of corporate raider MAXXAM):


"The Earth is not dying. It is being killed and the people killing it have names and addresses." - folksinger Utah Phillips

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Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute (formerly Fossil Fuels Policy Action), a nonprofit organization.
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