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15 March 2025
Was Pancho Villa Framed? - The legacy of the Mexican Revolution PDF Print E-mail
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by Mark Walter Evans   
06 March 2007

[Editor's note: You have probably wondered why Mexico is the way it is, and you may have a fair idea. But hidden historical truth can help explain a lot more than endless news coverage and dozens of movies. Evans delivers.]


"There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know…" - Harry S. Truman

Early in the Spring of 1983, riding an old Pinto that had carried me from the other side of the Sierra Madre Occidentale, I surfaced on the Border at the town of Palomas, Chihuahua just south of Columbus, New Mexico. I'd gone South in late January, on account of my father dying, just to get away, and find time to think in the solitudes of the mountains of Sonora.

I bought my horse in the town of Bacerac, which lies between the sixth and seventh ranges, in the high country of Sonora. Along the way, I'd met old timers who had seen Pancho Villa when they were eight or nine years old...

One old rancher, a small-holder whose father had been in Villa's Dorados and had fallen in 1915, in the second battle of Toreon, took me in and entertained me with historical reminiscences in Spanish of the Lost Revolution long into the night, at the kitchen table of his tiny rancho outside San Miguelito, taxing my meager facility in Spanish, as I struggled to comprehend the fervent meaning of his impassioned words.

When I'd come down from the mountains and was loping across the prairie of Chihuahua, I came upon the Mennonite settlement of Buenos Aires. There a kind farm-family took me in and I was given a tome in Spanish about Pancho Villa.

On my way up to the border my horse got entangled in an old rotten run of barbed wire, and was terribly cut up. This experience lent poignant meaning to the experience of Villa's cavalry at the battle of Celaya.

Perhaps you know something about Pancho Villa? I'm on the trail of a story that I read in a book in the public library at Columbus, New Mexico. I spent two weeks there, trying to find a way to cross (even smuggle, perhaps) my beloved horse that I had ridden two hundred fifty miles, from the other side of the Sierra Madre Occidentale, in Sonora. In the end, I left my horse in Mexico, but not before I’d read every book on the shelf in the library in Columbus on the subject of the Mexican Revolution.

This particular Account was in a Collection of eyewitness accounts of the Mexican Revolution [1910-1920]. It was an account by a man who claimed to have been Woodrow Wilson's personal Liaison to Pancho Villa, from 1914 into 1916. He began his testimony, and in words to this effect, he stated:

" Pancho Villa did not attack the town of Columbus, New Mexico, on March 9, 1916, as is commonly believed. I happen to know this for a fact, because I was with Pancho Villa at the time and we were eight hundred miles away, in the mountains of Coahuila."

He went on to say that the raid had actually been staged by German agents who organized a troop, got some Mexican dressed up as Pancho Villa, even to the point of putting a fake mustache on him, and forcing a bunch of poor campesinos onto horses, at gunpoint, saying, "This is Pancho Villa, follow him."

Behind the plot of the Attack on Columbus staged by German Agents, stood Imperial Germany's intent to get America embroiled in a war with Mexico and to keep America out of the war in Europe. The Germans had staged the Attack on Columbus furtively, without the collaboration of the new Carranza government.

In spite of the secrecy of this particular German Operation -- and others, which consisted of staging raids into Texas, also blamed on Villa -- the Germans had very close ties with Carranza and his General, Alvaro Obregon, to whom they supplied military hardware & military advisors.

Obregon himself, according to the "Liaison's Account," had won all of his military victories against Villa in 1915 purely on account of the state-of-the-art Military Aid -- barbed wire & machine guns & the savvy of where to put them -- which he received from the Kaiser's Military Attaches.

A thumbnail history of the Mexican Revolution is in order: There were two. The first was in 1810. The Second, beginning in 1910, lasted ten years, until 1920. When it was over, in 1920, the population of Mexico was one million less than it had been in 1910.

There were three reasons for this: 1) Revolution, Civil War & Famine, 2) La Grippe Espagnol (the Spanish Influenza) and 3) Much emigration out of Old Mexico, primarily to East L.A. and other cities of the Southwest.

In 1910 Porfirio Diaz had ruled as Dictator of Mexico for thirty-seven years -- ever since 1873, when he had treacherously overthrown his friend and mentor, Benito Juarez. Diaz did not murder the great man, but allowed him to live out the remainder of his days under house arrest. Diaz was brutal and venal, but efficient. He did not mind if foreign cartel interests carted off the natural resources and the mineral wealth of Mexico, as long as they developed the infrastructure of roads & railroads in the process and he got his own cut -- ten per cent.

In 1910, Porfirio Diaz was under pressure from all sides, both domestically and, significantly, from the Colossus of the North -- to hold a "free" election. So Diaz capitulated and announced that there would be an election. He was sure that he could retain his Office by managing the Election.

Francisco Madero, the scion of a wealthy family from Coahuila stood up and announced that he would run against Diaz. Madero was very modern and liked to call himself a "Progressive." He was on the same wavelength as what passed for "Progressive" on the American side of the border -- favoring Woman's Suffrage and Prohibition. He read tea leaves and engaged in séances. He was a tireless campaigner. Overnight he became wildly popular throughout Mexico.

When Diaz realized Madero would win the election by a landslide, no matter how many ballots were thrown out, ballot boxes stuffed, or Federales sent in to keep undesirables away from the polls, he put Madero in prison. One female admirer of Madero came to visit him in prison. When the guards weren't looking, they swapped clothes, and Francisco escaped, dressed as his female friend. Soon his friends spirited him across the Border into Texas.

Setting up his headquarters in San Antonio, Texas, Francisco Madero sent out a clarion for a Revolution South of the Border. To all those who had run afoul of the oppression of the gray Federales of Porfirio Diaz, Madero promised Amnesty, if they would join his Revolution.

Those were momentous times in Texas, in San Antonio, and in the Border towns where Madero would meet with the organizers of his movement. Soon Madero was attracting tens of thousands adherents in all parts of Mexico, as well as unemployed American cowboys and adventurous gringo soldiers of fortune.

According to Ferdinand Lundberg, in his tome, America's Sixty Families, " was Standard Oil that dislodged Diaz... H. Clay Pierce, a confidential Rockefeller henchman... put up the money behind Francisco Madero and started the revolution... neither Clay Pierce or anybody else ever dreamed what would follow."

One of the Mexican outlaws who responded to Francisco Madero's promise of Amnesty and came to the border to meet with Madero and join his movement, was a famous Norteno bandit named Pancho Villa. His original name was Doroteo Arrango. He had been born a poor campesino in the State of Durango.

At the age of sixteen, his sister had been raped by the son of the local Padrone. When he went to the Federales to complain, they said, "Fuck off, Peon." When he went to the parish Priest, he was told "'Twas ever thus, my son. We must learn to bear our burdens. Let us pray."

When he went to the Mayor, he was told to get lost. So Doroteo Arrango took matters in his own hands -- he stabbed the son of the Padrone, and rode off into the hills, the Federales in hot pursuit.

Like David in the wilderness of Ein Gedi, or Robin in Sherwood Forest, Pancho attracted many poor folks -- dispossessed and declassed peons. In time, he led a band of outlaws on horseback. He would lead them on daring cattle raids on the herds of the great Haciendados that would end in big cookouts where hungry campesinos and campesinas would get to eat beef. Thus, even before the Revolution, Pancho was already a legend.

Francisco Villa did not become the chief of Madero's Army of the North all at once -- but like Oliver Cromwell, Michael Connelly, or Yitzhak Rabin, he rose through the ranks because he was fearless in battle, a born leader, who did not retreat, but rather advanced in the face of cannons and gunfire.

During this period Pancho Villa was a colorful character who would ride into El Paso on his horse, tie up at the drug store, sit down at the soda fountain, and order a cherry Coke. Like Madero, he was a militant teetotaler who continually lectured everyone around him about the evils of demon rum, and subscribed to the adage, "You can't fight a Revolution stoned."

From 1910 until 1914, all of the Revolutionaries were allies of Francisco Madero, and united in their joint effort to overthrow Porfirio Diaz.

From the four quarters of Mexico -- Carranza from Coahuila, General Angeles and Pancho Villa from Chihuahua, Obregon from Sonora, and Zapata from Morelos, Madero's armies pressed against the forces still loyal to Diaz in Mexico City, until Diaz saw the writing on the wall and hopped on the train to Vera Cruz, and split on a steamship to Spain...

Then Madero held a plebiscite, and ruled, very briefly, as Presidente, until he was arrested murdered in Mexico City by General Huerta. According to Ferdinand Lundberg, Huerta was backed by Dutch Royal Shell, and the British oil cartel interests in Mexico. He also was receiving arms from the Germans. It was to prevent German arms from reaching Huerta that Woodrow Wilson landed troops at Vera Cruz in April of 1914. At least that was the cover story...

Thus, we note that shortly before the Great War began, the British and the Germans were putting their money on the same horse in Mexico to insure business-as-usual in Mexico for the cartels.

The second phase of the Revolution began sometime during the Summer of 1914, when the leaders of the four armies -- Carranza, Obregon, Villa, and Zapata -- that had been Madero's lieutenants in life, began to fall out, even as they descended on Mexico City to depose Huerta.

Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata in Mexico City

These four major leaders, Venustiano Carranza, Alvaro Obregon, Pancho Villa, and Emiliano Zapata, then split into two camps, the "Conventionistas" (Villa & Zapata) and the "Constitutionalistas" (Carranza & Obregon).

It is very important to grasp this salient point, therefore I repeat it: Up until the Summer of 1914, Carranza, Obregon, Villa and Zapata had all been Allies -- followers, and then, after his execution by Huerta, heirs of Francisco Madero. Then, as their four armies pushed, for the second time in less than two years, to drive a reactionary government out of Mexico City, there was a falling away. They aligned into two camps -- the Conventionistas vs. the Constitutionalistas.

In December of 1914, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata, and their two armies met in Mexico City. Huerta, following the example of Diaz, had hopped on the train for Vera Cruz, and had jumped on the steamship headed for Spain, before the army of Carranza could head him off at the pass. Carranza's Army occupied Vera Cruz, as Villa and Zapata posed for their famous pictures in the old Presidential chair of Porfirio Diaz.

From roughly October 1914, when the Conventionistas met in Aguascalientes, ‘til October 1915, when Wilson recognized Carranza's government, there were two rival governments vying for the control of Mexico. For a whole year, President Wilson had not known which of the two government to recognize as legitimate -- hence the presence of 'Our Correspondent' as Wilson's Liaison with Pancho Villa.

According to Our Correspondent, President Wilson had several such Liaisons -- including one with each of these four men. Pancho Villa, until his military reverses of 1915, had been held in high regard in America. At the height of his power, he was the Chief of the Army del Norte. He could put ten thousand men into the field. His family lived in a mansion in Chihuahua City.

It is an established fact that he was in contract with Mutual Films, who filmed his battles of 1914.

Villa and Zapata were also softly favored as proper Contenders for the Presidency of Mexico by the Roman Catholic Church, to whom Carranza and Obregon were anathema, being Scottish Rite Freemasons.

But, according to Ferdinand Lundberg, "Cleveland Dodge [who had the ear of President Wilson] and his companion magnates" urged the President to support Carranza. From what I recall, Wilson's Liaison to General Villa did not know about the pressure that Cleveland Dodge was putting on Woodrow Wilson to back Carranza -- or at least did not mention it in his Account -- even as Ferdinand Lundberg seems to have been unaware of the full scope of the German presence and influence in Mexico, behind Carranza.

Our Correspondent, being thoroughly familiar with the utter corruption of the Carranzistas, repeatedly urged Wilson to recognize Pancho Villa and the Conventionistas. Perhaps familiarity had made him less than fully objective. He genuinely respected Pancho Villa as a human being, as a military strategist, and as a leader of a way, he had became a partisan of Villa, and Wilson sensed it...

-- According to Our Correspondent, many times Pancho and he would meet with General Scott, to discuss military and political matters in Mexico in Scott's black limousine parked directly above the international border in the middle of the bridge over the Rio Grande, between Juarez and El Paso.

-- According to Our Correspondent, General Scott also had a high regard for Pancho Villa, and admired him tremendously. General Scott wrote Wilson saying that Villa was a "born leader of men" -- that it was a tragedy that Villa did not consider himself worthy (on account of his illiteracy) to be the Presidente of Mexico.

In one of their many meetings over the Rio Grande, in early 1915, Villa told General Scott that Germany was supplying gold and much military hardware to Obregon. That was the reason he had lost battle of Celaya. He had lost his Cavalry, the Dorados, to German machine guns hidden in unseen trenches that were engineered by German Military advisers who traveled with Obregon, on his train.

Too late, he had learned these things and achieved a practical understanding of the deadly use of barbed wire and machine-gun nests that the Germans had taught Obregon -- tactics that were fatal to the classical Cavalry charge of Clausewitz -- a technique that Villa had mastered, and which the Germans themselves had counted on as recently as August of 1914, in their attempt to implement the Von Shleiffen Plan, in their failed sweep around Paris.

A New Form of Warfare had developed in the cauldron of the Western Front in the weeks and months since August of 1914. The German Military advisers on Obregon's train had been busy teaching Obregon the New Rules of War. At the port of Vera Cruz, controlled from December of 1914 by the Carranzistas, the Germans had unloaded miles and miles of barbed wire, and hundreds upon hundreds of machine guns.

The crucial role of German Military Advisers in Obregon's victories over Villa is one more thing that has been systematically buried and is almost never acknowledged by American Establishment historians [e.g. John Foster Dulles, Jr.] in their works on the Mexican Revolution.

In all such works Obregon is always represented as a "Military Genius" fighting Villa, a parvenu peasant on horseback, who after he was soundly (and justly) defeated, went back to being a Bandit, which was all he ever really was, anyway.

Villa confessed to Scott that he had received German munitions and German gold himself, for a while [during the first phase of the Revolution, 1910 -1914]... until he realized that there was a price for it -- a free hand for Germany to delve into the good earth & mineral wealth of Mexico. When Villa realized the terms of the quid pro quo, he balked. It was a price that Carranza and Obregon were willing to pay, however.

According to "Our Correspondent," Villa was a Mexican patriot, and resented any foreign Nation or Cartel that would continue the looting of Mexico's resources that had gone on under the jaded Diaz regime for thirty-seven years.

Both Villa and Zapata –- Conventionistas -- were close to the peasants, while Carranza and Obregon and their Party -- the Constitutionalistas, the forerunners of the P.R.I., were thoroughly bourgeois, in their social status.

It is also noteworthy that it is alleged that German Social-Democrats -- Mensheviks, allied with Trotsky -- aided the Carranzistas in the drafting of the Queratero Constitution of 1917. This is alleged, and mentioned in passing by the paleo-conservative historian, Antony C. Sutton, in his controversial book, Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution.

It is known that many American soldiers of fortune, unemployed Rough Riders, etc, as well as Radicals like John Reed, were drawn to follow in Villa's camp, during the glory days of Villa's popularity in the U.S., from 1910 through 1914.

Zapata, on the other hand, attracted many European Anarchists and Syndicalists, who were not put off by Zapata's nominal Catholicism. They recognized a Revolutionary situation when they saw one. Zapata was continually engaged in land reform even as he went about the daily business of Revolution. To Emiliano Zapata, Land Reform WAS the Revolution.

Emiliano Zapata

According to some accounts, Villa intended to practice wholesale land reform after the Revolution was over, and took steps towards implementing it among the widows of his troops, during the Revolution. Whatever steps toward land reform Villa accomplished, however, were soon reversed after Obregon's army pressed northward into Durango and Chihuahua.

According to the account of Wilson's Liaison to Pancho Villa, in the now purloined and forgotten book that was on the shelf of the public library in Columbus, New Mexico back in the Spring of 1983, part of the rationale for Wilson's decision to recognize the Carranzistas as opposed to the Party of Villa and Zapata, was the realpolitik recognition that Carranza and Obregon, although currently in bed with Germany, represented the party who were most willing to compromise their "revolutionary" principles -- and to allow foreign interests -- be they English, French, German, or American, to continue to loot Mexico of her natural resources, as had been the policy under the late Porfirio Diaz.

To be fully objective, the Carranzistas did have a radical streak, also -- but they were Statists, and into State-Capitalism. Article 27, the most radical Article in the Queratero Constitution of 1917, was a sleeper. It declared that all sub-surface mineral [including oil] resources of Mexico were the property of Mexico [the State]. It was not implemented until May 18, 1937. That was the day Lazarro Cardenas nationalized the oil fields, and set up PEMEX.

On the Night of that day, President Franklin Roosevelt and his bravos held an all-night cabinet meeting on whether to Declare War on Mexico, or not. In the end, they calculated that it would be too costly to invade Vera Cruz and seize the oil fields one more time -- there would be perhaps a million casualties.

Wall Street never forgot or forgave the humiliation of the loss of their Mexican Oil holdings. They got their revenge in 1982 when the Peso was devalued, and the oil futures of PEMEX were foreclosed upon. Since then PEMEX has been a shell, functioning as a looting instrument for Wall Street.

In retrospect, it seems that it was the Revolutionary nature of the Zapatista wing of the Conventionistas on the matter of Land Reform -- the dispossessing and redistributing of the estates of the large Haciendados – that must have bothered Wilson and the men at Foggy Bottom the most...

And, having given the "problem" a good deal of considered thought, and owing to the fact that the Conventionistas at large were losing the war with Obregon's well-equipped (& well-advised) army, Wilson went and recognized the Carranza government in October of 1915, as the de facto government of Mexico. Carranza, by that time was busy sitting in the Presidential Chair, in Mexico City.

Venustiano Carranza (1859-1920)

It is known that the Kaiser did foster Revolutions during the Great War, when and where they were expedient. There was the case of Lenin, and the Sealed Train. And there was the case of Sir Roger Casement, and the twenty thousand rifles that never made it to lonely Banna’s Strand. So I have a question: Did the Kaiser export the German Social-Democrats who helped the Constitutionalistas draft the Queratero Constitution of 1917 ?

-- Were they on the same ships from Bremerhaven and Hamburg that brought the Kaiser's military advisers, and the hundreds upon hundreds of German machine guns and the tons of barbed wire which proved the undoing of Francisco Villa's Army of the North?

-- Were the old tensions and conflicts within the First International, which had been in the Nineteenth Century, primarily battles of words, played out in blood and gore on the chessboard of the New World, during the Mexican Revolution?

American Establishment historians postulate that after Wilson recognized the Constitutionalista government, Villa became bitter and began a series of depredations on Americans in Mexico as well as raids into Texas, culminating in the infamous raid on Columbus, New Mexico. Our Correspondent, however, claimed to have continued as Woodrow Wilson's personal Attaché to Villa, and stayed with him even after Wilson recognized the Carranza government. He stated categorically that Francisco Villa and what was left of his army were licking their wounds in the mountains of Coahuila, at the time of the Attack on Columbus, New Mexico.

He claimed that all of the so-called "depredations" against Americans in Mexico, and on the Border, that were attributed to Villistas in 1915 and 1916 were done by German agents de provocateur.

The purpose of this German gambit, according to the Liaison’s Account was twofold: First, to muddy Villa's name and blacken his good reputation in the U.S., & Second, to get America embroiled in a border war with Mexico, that would keep her pre-occupied, and prevent her from coming to the aid of the "Allies."

Woodrow Wilson knew that Villa had not staged the raid on Columbus, New Mexico because his Liaison -- Our Correspondent -- had informed him on the matter in great detail. But expediency moved Wilson to act quickly, and deviously: he went along with the charade in the press, and pretended that Pancho had done it, in order to provide an excuse for General John J. Pershing to launch his "Punitive Expedition" into Mexico, which served as a kind of "boot camp" for the rusty U.S. Army.

Wilson also knew better than to let the Pershing Expedition devolve into a border war. That was not the point. The point was to serve as a training-ground for an Army that was as yet green. That Army had a Larger Mission, a Noble Work to do in Europe, to Make the World Safe, for Democracy.

According to the Liaison's account, Wilson had already promised J.P. Morgan & the British to come in on the side of the "Allies." The U.S. Army needed a rugged kind of "boot camp" to get them in shape for the Western Front. And so it goes.

Our Correspondent was dismissed from the Diplomatic Corps, his career ruined, his reputation systematically blackened and libeled, all because he would not cease from telling the truth of the matter, as he had witnessed it. And now his name, even, and his words, even, who can find them?

In the end, he became very bitter towards Woodrow Wilson, and very understandably... For, although the Germans were the originators of the Raid, as well as the plot to pin the blame for the raid on Villa, it was Woodrow Wilson who conspired to cover up the facts which were known to him -- that the Raid on Columbus had been a German Operation, lock stock & barrel, and that Pancho Villa had nothing to do with it, at all.

There has been a cover-up ever since, which has become especially acute since the age of Virtual Reality began. In 1983, at least, after loping up to the border on horseback, I was able to stumble upon a book in a public library, and blunder upon the facts of what really went down. Kids looking up the subject on the Internet today are not so lucky...

Furthermore, in the post-revolutionary period of the 1920s, it was in the interest of both the Obregoniste P.R.I. crowd, who had been up to their eyeballs in bed with the Germans during the 'teens, but switched to make a deal with the Anglo-American crowd after the Great War was over -- as well as their J.P. Morgan & Co. allies in the North [who were willing, in the light of their new understanding with the counter-revolutionary P.R.I. group] to bury the details of Alvaro Obregon's former close ties with Germany -- and to blacken the reputation of Pancho Villa.

It is significant that the fruit of this new "understanding" -- Mexico's Central Bank -- the equivalent of the Federal Reserve Bank, was set up in 1925, as essentially the "South of the Border" branch of J.P. Morgan's Guaranty Trust.

Since then both camps -- the Establishments on both sides of the border -- have perpetuated the Myth that Pancho Villa was responsible for the March 9, 1916 attack on the U.S. at Columbus, New Mexico.

At the present, the historical involvement of German Agents in the Civil War phase of the Mexican Revolution is impossible to deny -- even to the point that American historians now admit the involvement of German Agents in the Attack on Columbus, New Mexico. In the light of this latest admission, the libel is now being spread that perhaps Villa himself was "a German Agent."

At the present, when conditions along the border are in the process of heating up, the ghost of Pancho Villa, the Mexican "Invader" of America, is trotted out on horseback by gringo agents masquerading as "Militia Men" to serve as a Bogey-man to scare common Americans who fear the Spectre of Aztlani Resurgence.

The "Bandit" Pancho Villa, himself, being functionally illiterate (he could read a little, but could write no more than his name) was not able to leave memoirs that his adherents could publish posthumously that could establish his own account of the matter. Thus, once more, history is written by assassins.

Perhaps, if the Villa/Zapata wing of the Mexican Revolution had won the field, the landless peons of Mexico would not be continually pouring across the border, attempting to escape from the hopeless economic situation that they find themselves in today. That condition is not their fault. It is the fault of the billionaire elites on both sides of the border who exploit those landless campesinos. Surely it is a question that deserves a little time to ponder.

Under the terms of NAFTA, the small holders who are able to raise a little corn, are exploited as well. Grain cartels, like Cargill, are able to dictate the price of the corn grown by the poor farmers in Mexico, and buy it at Centavos on the Peso, and sell it on the world market, or within Mexico itself, and rake in enormous profits.

Pancho Villa just went on cattle drives & engaged in a little land reform. As a "Bandit," he was a piker. The irony is that the biggest "Bandits" of all were -- and are -- the Robber Barons of the North and the multinational cartels of today which continue to loot the Southern half of our globe. -- Which is the reason why the Account of Woodrow Wilson's Liaison to Pancho Villa has been systemically funneled into Orwell's Memory Hole. Behold a man whose career was irreparably damaged for no fault of his own, only because of his being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and because he had the courage to continue to tell the truth.

It should not be too difficult for people to believe that Woodrow Wilson was capable of the perfidy that his own personal Envoy to Pancho Villa described in this account. Wilson, after all did lie to the American people in promising to keep America Out of War -- his campaign slogan in 1916 -- at a time when he had already promised Whitehall to come in, & send troops to France, to pull J.P. Morgan's chestnuts out of the fire, as John Dos Passos so eloquently put it.

Wilson also engaged in the deception of representing the Federal Reserve Bank legislation of 1913 as "progressive" and fundamentally different from the Aldrich Plan that the Republicans had tried to pass under Taft. This it was not. It was essentially the same Central Bank, working to the monumental fiduciary benefit of the same Plutocracy... Thus Wilson is shown to have been a fine opportunist and a tool of Wall Street, in much of what he did.

Although I was keeping a Journal at the time, (1983) I did not write down the name of this book -- ? "Eyewitness Accounts of the Mexican Revolution, 1910-1920" ? -- nor the name of this gentleman -- President Woodrow Wilson's officially designated Liaison and Aide-de-camp to Pancho Villa. I could kick myself.

The identity of this man, and his eye-witness Account of the Mexican Revolution must be must be found, digitized, and made available on-line. It is "The Rest of the Story" – the part you don’t know, because it’s been buried. The book-burners have done their jobs well, but copies of his account, as well as his correspondence with President Wilson, and the correspondence of General Scott with Wilson about Francisco Villa must exist, somewhere... in the Library of Congress, the Forty-Second Street Library, the underground archives of the Puzzle Palace in Maryland, or the Hoover Institution, perhaps…

Have you ever heard any of this? To me, the Liaison's Account had the ring of truth when I first read it. Surely someone in the community of historians and scholars must have heard before of this account.

Could you be so kind as to send this Account along, and to encourage the formation of a kind of "Committee of Inquiry," into this matter, among the appropriate scholars in your ken and kraal? And could you keep me abreast of what you learn?

Questioning Consensus Reality,
Mark Walter Evans

* * * * *

About Mark Walter Evans: Born in Oakland, California, 1949, grew up in the East Bay in halcyon days of the Fifties & Sixties. Dropped out of college, bummed around the lower forty-eight, Canada & Mexico, worked in the building trades, reading much, gathering much wool, & becoming an idiot savant in the process. Now lives in hill country of northern California with his banjo and his books. Carpenter. Reach him at markwalterevans "at" sbcglobal "dot" net

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I think your account has a great deal of truth to it. My mother grew up in Santa Margarita, CA. she told me many of his family or family of his men once lived and owned the land in Pozo, CA they hid him from federalizes and others who came looking for him. Why would it be surprising that any President would lie or represent the interest of big business instead of the people who elected them. Sadly, as a young girl stated today its sad that our government is so corrupt and it is still one of the best in the world today. Scarey!!!!!!!!!
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