Culture Change
12 March 2025
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California Seduction: Trains and Women
by Jan Lundberg / Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell   
29 September 2011
We are beginning to remember that, as always, it is the Feminine that possesses the empathy and guidance that the focused and systematic Masculine requires. That is what has made humans a successful species, and the suppression of it has pushed our world to the brink of destruction. - Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell

Jan's introduction:
My early autumn adventure to southern California, my previous homeland, wasn't an historic event. But two worthwhile observations bubbled up to fit with two news stories:

New Evidence for Changing the Nature of the Global Economy
by Brent Blackwelder   
19 September 2011
Billion-dollar weather catastrophes this year, along with the latest figures on Chinese consumption, emphasize the urgency of a shift in economic thinking.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration cites 10 massive weather disasters in the U.S. this year, each exceeding a billion dollars. The nine months of unprecedented weather extremes include these estimates of death and damage:

Hurricane Irene: 50 deaths and $7 billion;
Upper Midwest flooding along the Missouri River: $2 billion;
Six Decades of Leisurely Deterioration for the U.S. Masses in a Mess
by Jan Lundberg   
02 September 2011
Greetings from Oklahoma City, where I came to speak at the University of Oklahoma on "Natural Gas: a Bridge to Nowhere?" More on that in a later post.

My reflection this evening is on the transformation of USAmericans into a leisure society of individuals. It began in the 1950s and flowered in the '60s and early '70s. It developed into guitar playing rebels, surfers -- "Baw dip da dip dip" -- and, above all, television watchers, as prominent types among the new affluent generation. Institutions such as school and church weren't offering much cohesion.

Ohlone's Struggle to Save Sacred Site May Be Succeeding in Santa Cruz
by Jan Lundberg   
25 August 2011
ImageEditor's note: This report/photo spread is a follow-up to Native Ohlone of San Francisco-Monterey Bay Area Resist Destruction of Sacred Site, published Aug. 23, 2011. This story is about preventing cultural genocide after actual genocide was committed by our government's policies.

The campaign to halt desecration of a 6,000-year-old village site and burial ground on Ohlone ancestral land has leaped forward.

The New Congressional Debt Panel: An Opportunity for an Essential Economic Debate
by Brent Blackwelder   
23 August 2011
Editor's note: Brent Blackwelder's flawless analysis of advisable revenue changes shows that the tiny minority strangling this country gets away with untapped astronomical riches. Culture Change would also emphasize slashing the worst of the waste in expenditures, the out-of-control war machine. Another way to slash costs on the debt burden is to enter into a debt for nature swap with China, which happens to need carbon credits more than ever.

Blackwelder calls for four major changes:

• Putting a price on carbon through a carbon tax or a fuel tax
Native Ohlone of San Francisco-Monterey Bay Area Resist Destruction of Sacred Site
by Jan Lundberg   
23 August 2011
ImageWho were the inhabitants of what we now call San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland, Santa Cruz and Monterey, and of the little open land left around these cities? They are the Ohlone.

For thousands of years the Ohlone culture, consisting of several related languages, was sustainable, as the people were part of the land and waters. Less is known about them than other tribes or groupings that were not almost entirely obliterated. The Ohlone don't have monuments or other forms of respect, such as dedicated lands, in this valuable real-estate market of the San Francisco-Monterey Bay area.

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Results 53 - 78 of 410

Culture Change mailing address: P.O. Box 3387, Santa Cruz, California, 95063, USA, Telephone 1-215-243-3144 (and fax).
Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute (formerly Fossil Fuels Policy Action), a nonprofit organization.
Some articles are published under Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. See Fair Use Notice for more information.