by "Ben Loman"
Every day, tens of millions of Americans will be medicated without their consent. The medication will be administered in unrestricted amounts, even to those who are at the greatest risk of succumbing to its toxic side effects. This medicine is called fluoride. Fluoride is a naturally occurring element which is today artificially added to the drinking water of over 72% of American homes. This practice is nothing new. Water fluoridation was originally developed by the Nazis. |
by Dani Ito

University of California, Santa Barbara - As I wade shin-deep through piles full of crunching plastic, all I see is red. Shiny, fire-engine red that has become oh-so familiar. But for now, the living room is unrecognizable. A fort has accumulated out of stacks of red plastic party cups. Solo, Kirkland, Dixie, Hefty -- the gang’s all here... |
by V. I. Postnikov
Let the beauty we love be what we do – Rumi
The environmental crisis is the crisis of aesthetics – James Hillman
The poet knows of no “waste”... Ecopoetics is the way of thinking economically – Hwa Yol Jung
It is the right time for poets and artists to engage in economics. We can’t allow the greedy and self-important “experts” and “economists” to push the world to the brink of catastrophe. |
by Jan Lundberg, independent oil industry analyst
Gasoline prices have been rising this winter in the U.S., even though we are well outside the summer driving season with its traditionally highest price level. Among the reasons for today's higher gasoline and crude oil prices is the high demand for heating oil during this extra cold winter, as heating oil in some northern parts of the world is a life-and-death commodity. This can put some pressure on gasoline supplies as refineries might attempt to maximize heating oil output, |
by Jan Lundberg
First, a timely offer from author David Cundiff, MD, that goes toward sustaining our work:
Unless collapse comes immediately, the U.S. has a small chance to quickly re-utilize its resources and community power: the Health Economy. As you might have understood from our article on David's new book The Health Economy, his approach could be the most tangible and progressive culture change opportunity in a generation or since the Great Depression. Buy the book now for $10 on our donation page, and all the proceeds go to Culture Change. |
by Adam D. Sacks
That birds fly and pigs don't is a consequence of laws of nature governing physics and biology. Nothing that transpires on physical planet Earth is any different: the laws of nature are inviolate. Always. [1]
This is a truism, and should be readily apparent, as it indeed often is in indigenous cultures where people are entirely dependent on natural forces and what is close at hand. |
by Jan Lundberg
Staking out Culture Change's role: nonviolence and understanding collapse
In reflecting why a reader and supporter of Culture Change should contribute toward our urgent request for $1,500 (printing copies of my new book, paying February rent, phone service, train tickets, replacing old computer case, food), I thought to emphasize what has sprouted up lately. I believe we all share certain concerns relating to safety, survival and wrenching change. Our growing audience reflects this. |
by Jan Lundberg
Interest is growing regarding collapse and the end of the U.S. empire.
On The Gary Null Show on January 14th we discussed this as well as peak oil, climate, relocalizing economies, skills, resisting the system, conviviality, and the environmental movement. Listen or download at progressiveradionetwork.com
The show was live at 12:30 PM EST on WNYE-NPR
(91.5 FM, NYC), WBAI-FM (99.5 FM, NYC, Pacifica Radio), and the Progressive Radio Network online |
by Jan Lundberg
This is a message of good news.
On January 12 the... [deletion of a legal reference, January 2013]
What we are fighting is a form of violence. When the elderly are abused... [deletion of a legal reference, January 2013] ... but it has broader implications.
by Jan Lundberg
Self-editor's note: I have been lagging on offering criticism of two popular revolutionary authors who have included me their books. I finally did it, within a more important context. - JL
Please join me in greeting the fall of the U.S. Empire, a healthy way to begin this new year. It is a positive sentiment among some thoughtful Americans. Their ungiddy feeling flows from observation of world developments and the state of the U.S. political system and economy. The timetable is fuzzy, but trends are clear. |
by Chellis Glendinning
Cochabamba, Bolivia
On 22 January 2006, newly inaugurated President Evo Morales made his exuberant procession through the streets of La Paz to join the throngs of supporters awaiting him in the Plaza de los Héroes. To the excited crowds, Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano announced that the historic event signaled “the end of fear.” Vice-president Álvaro Garcia Linera shouted that, in the new government, poor Bolivianos would be given equality at last. |
by Jan Lundberg
- RE-UPDATED - Art contest for depicting lifestyles DONE
We have the winners for our Lifestyles #1, #2 and #3 depicted for our Three Car-Free Ways of Existence. Joining Greg Jalbert's successful entries for #1 and #2 is Woody Barlettani for Lifestyle #3, the ecovillage hunter-gatherer. The winners received Jan Lundberg's new book Songs of Petroleum.
#1: A bus rider in a big U.S. city trundles along on a polyester-petroleum covered metal or plastic seat, |
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