by Bill Moore
It is America's smallest nuclear power station. Until recently, most people had never heard of the 476 MW pressurized water reactor nestled into a bend on the turgid Missouri 20 miles north of downtown Omaha, Nebraska. Apart from the power plant, the tiny hamlet's only other claim to fame is that briefly in the 1820s it was an U.S. Army outpost on the fringe of the vast new territory Lewis and Clark had explored a decade earlier for the Jefferson Administration. |
by Jan Lundberg
We just sent this out to a few thousand opt-in subscribers:
Dear Culture Change reader and supporter,
You can be the first to have a donation arrive at our new post-office box address in our new home town.
For our July fundraising goal we fell far short of the necessary level to keep bringing you Culture Change. |
by Tony Pereira
 Barsebäck in Sweden
About three decades ago, the Swedes considered the risks of nuclear energy, added up the costs and did
the math. What they found was that the astronomical amounts that the Swedish economy was paying in
subsidies to produce electricity from nuclear energy far exceeded what they were getting out of it.
Swedes aren’t dumb, and voted in a national referendum to shut down and decommission all their
nuclear energy reactors by 2010. The Swedish nuclear weapons program had already been terminated
early on when Sweden signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty in 1968. |
by Roger Herried
The time is right for sinking the nuclear beast, peacefully -- mini-editorial
Just a few months following the Fukushima nuke disaster, followed by the reaction
of 4 out ot 5 Japanese to reject nuclear power henceforth, we now have two
Nebraska nuclear stations in danger of getting out of control.
At this watershed time in history the scam of unfathomably dangerous
nuclear power is unraveling. Now the Associated Press has done a
damning investigation on the total joke of possible evacuation around U.S. nuke
by Jan Lundberg
Our recent article on Bob Berry, recently departed friend of Culture Change, highlighted his car-free, bicycling lifestyle. He died of natural causes at the relatively young age of 62, which goes to show that being a bicyclist and walker do not alone ensure longevity. He was a creature of habit which did not include being a health nut. But his life was full -- not cut short by some thoughtless driver.
Young people are killed by cars often when bicycling or walking. Zachary Parke, age 25, |
by Depaver Jan Lundberg
When information-overload, money grubbing to survive, fears about Fukushima, the rigged "choice" of two-party politics -- the Demopublicans and the Republicrats -- combine to ruin what would be a perfectly good day, is there an answer? Some of us disagree with Paul McCartney's Beatle song, "There will be an answer; Let it be."
Perhaps the answer was close by at that time: John Lennon was leading millions of youth in a positive rebellion, and other poets and singers such as
by Gar Smith
Robert Stephen Berry
March 18, 1949 - May 19, 2011
It’s not every day you find a Quaker church service crammed with CalTrans (California Dept. of Transportation) employees -- especially when more than half of them are decked out in tie-dyed shirts. But it’s not everyday that our community says goodbye to a unique Berkeley treasure like Bob Berry -- a songwriting, pro-biking activist who became so disenchanted with traditional political parties that, in the Bicentennial Year of 1976, he dedicated himself to reviving the Whig Party. |
by Jan Lundberg
Message from founder Jan Lundberg on Culture Change's progress, prospects and
needs. To take fast action here's our donation web page:
Dear Culture Changer,
It's good that in all my years at Culture Change since 1988, I don't
remember an update's being more packed with projects, news and ideas.
First, I would like to put the developments and our sometimes frantic
efforts into context and let you know why we try and try -- for today's
world is not the same one as you and I knew even a few years ago. |
by Jan Lundberg
I just read John Wertime's steamy new memoir, Improbable Love (Printemps Presse, 2011, 187 pages). I knew it would be well written after his editing on various Culture Change pieces including my book Songs of Petroleum. (See his review of a book by Worldwatch Institute's Robert Engelman, More: Population, Nature, and What Women Want).
Improbable Love offers a fascinating look at a teenager's 1950s world "inside the Beltway." |
by Derek Tennant
Editor's note: I had the good fortune of meeting Dave and Allison Ewoldt and attending their workshop. The many elements to it go deep and range across our cultural reality. With degrees in psychology, education and mechanical engineering, the Ewoldts cover all the bases. Here is a report from a workshop participant, Derek Tennant:
As activists, often our greatest challenge is overcoming the feeling of separation that our society implants in us from birth. |
by Peoples' Action for Rights and Community
Editor's note: If you have ever driven, ridden or bicycled up Humboldt County's Highway 101, The Redwood Highway, you have oohed and aahhed over the "beauty strip." This is where the powers that be leave some big trees for the public to see, whereas 97% of the ancient redwoods are all clearcut. Now the California Department of Transportation wants to "improve" the road so that huge trucks can get through and profit off the Humboldt consumer market. Activists have been fighting this for years, as Culture Change readers may recall. Here's the latest: |
by Tara Lohan
The disastrous mining of tar sands in Alberta has wreaked havoc on the environment and communities in northern Canada, not to mention its massive emissions of CO2. Of course the hopelessly oil-addicted US wants in on the action, too.
A proposed pipeline, Keystone XL, will pump the dirty oil through six US states, risking the drinking water of over 2 million people. |
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