by S. Brian Willson
[Essay originally published as a chapter in World Without Violence,
edited by Arun Gandhi (India: Wiley Eastern Limited/New Age International Limited, 1994)]
Nonviolence is a way of life, an external manifestation of an internal peace. Nonviolence is mindfulness and consciousness of the sacred, of the interconnectedness of ourselves with everything and every being. It is an attitude, an awareness, an understanding, a manner of expression and interaction operating from a deep internal integration that honors this sacred interconnectedness. |
by Tom Z
I've been chasing the Occupy movement around the country, starting in Santa Cruz, then going to Jackson, Michigan, my hometown. Next stop was Detroit.
I gambled on the weather and lost. They predicted rain today, but it didn't happen, so I rolled out my bedroll in Detroit, way out Woodward Ave. near Wayne State University and in the bushes next to a Unitarian Church between a couple of buttresses (not the flying kind) that blocked most of the chilly wind. |
by Chellis Glendinning
The Repression Strengthened Us! - Letter From Bolivia
One wrong move, forgetting to take your hat off, the interruption of a phone ringing notwithstanding -- after a spell, a trip to the bank to pay the light bill -- alongside men carrying machine guns -- does get to feel normal.
Such a transit of mind is a testimony to the human ability to adapt, yes? -- and I am reminded of a marvelous tale that dear friend Francis Huxley tells. |
by Jan Lundberg
[In under 750 words, we identify the problem and perhaps the solution. - Publisher]
I cross yet another polluted river, on an Amtrak bus running late again. I look around the river and contemplate what empties into it, as the nearly full moon illuminates the degraded agribusiness landscape. The 101 Freeway through King City, California has the usual number of typical, inefficient vehicles spewing their exhaust, generating brake dust, tire dust, and dripping toxic crankcase oil and other fluids poisoning wildlife and human alike.
by Jan Lundberg
If you can picture 15 million barrels of prime Persian Gulf oil each day going through a narrow strait, that of Hormuz, it's not hard to understand that a serious choking action could touch off petrocollapse. That is, if you understand the extreme volatility of the oil market and the potential for a crippling blow to the prevailing just-in-time-delivery system of commerce.
Alas, this understanding is not in the mainstream media and usually not even in progressive websites and publications. Almost a year ago, we published (e.g., in Alternet.org) a warning on the implications of the Arab Spring: Arab World's Turmoil May Spell Sudden Petrocollapse. |
by Jan Lundberg
This report includes the 90 Percent Reduction guidelines for climate protection.
Seen on the streets of Santa Cruz while biking on the first day of the new solar year:
• A confused plum tree in nearly full flower, thanks to the unusually sunny and dry December.
• Three armed guards posted outside the Bank of America having a laid-back talk.
• Only two Occupiers at their card table outside the court house, where several dozen had held forth for two months.
• Too many cars for oil reality, mostly big ones, polluting around as usual. |
by Charles Komanoff
Publisher's note: Richard Grossman, researcher, author, teacher and activist, was one of the greats I was fortunate enough to meet and communicate with. He rated as high as possible as a visionary, dedicated organizer, and supporter of kindred environmentalists for social justice. We first met when I heard him speak around 1990 at a Student Environmental Action Coalition conference, and I got his attention by criticizing "the commercial culture." My limited understanding in those days paled in comparison with Richard's. He was of the top echelon of all activists I have known or read about -- at least in terms of my value system. |
by Jan Lundberg
On Dec. 15, I provided to Bill McKibben, author and founder of 350.org, several considerations for opposing the infamous tar sands pipeline. It is right now being forced down our throats if President Obama does not veto a spending bill. At the bottom of this recommendation, we provide an activist alert to fight the Senate's and the White House's tendency to compromise at the expense of the public's and nature's health.
In addition to well-known environmental objections to the Keystone XL Pipeline -- offered to counter the "jobs" and "lessen foreign oil" arguments by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives -- we recommend a long-term approach. |
by Jan Lundberg
You're on Culture Change's subscription list for a reason. You want to see insightful, helpful material you might get nowhere else. Please consider where it has really come from, and why we need your help now:
Big Oil money has targeted me for many years. The campaign has taken the form usually of ... [deletion of a legal reference, January 2013]. Still, Culture Change (and its predecessors Auto-Free Times magazine, Fossil Fuels Policy Action, and Alliance for a Paving Moratorium) always pushed on and contributed to public discourse, fighting the good fight. |
by Robert Lobitz
There are a lot of changes taking place in the world today that are making those who are comfortable with the way things work uncomfortable. The argument you sometimes hear is that when things get disrupted you don't know how things will turn out -- an excuse to keep the status quo.
Among my pursuits and businesses are the caring of birds as protected pets, including via bird cages. It has got me to thinking about humanity and the mind in a fashion that others may never arrive at. |
by Jan Lundberg
May the solstice season and this update bring you good cheer. We present four exciting highlights.
But first: Jan Lundberg is still suing ... [deleted passage, January 2013, for legal reasons] ... But if you support Culture Change now, such as by buying his autobiographical book Songs of Petroleum, he may better juggle his duties all the way around.
by Jan Lundberg
Debt-for-Nature Coalition for US and China (DNCUSC, or DNC)
So you thought, "we're screwed. The UN Climate Change Conference talks in Durban were a pre-ordained failure, and no progress is possible for who knows how long."
Fortunately, there is a way to immediately begin bypassing nationalistic and corporate power-tripping in Durban and at the UN. It relies on a win-win-win grassroots, bottom-up resolution, starting at the local level. |
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